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School Board

West Kirby School and College's success, and aspirations for the future, is driven by and shared with our School Board.

Members of our School Board bring diverse expertise and experience from broad areas of public and business life. With the interests of the school and every young person within it as their focus, our School Board give freely of their time, working closely with the Senior Leadership Team to drive the school forward.

Any member of the School Board can be contacted in writing to the school address or emailing

School Board summary

Name Role / Linked Responsibility
Mr Tom Whitworth Chair, Trustee
TBC Vice-Chair of The School Board & RSE 
Mr Richard Hicks Headteacher, Governor
Miss. Sian Thomas  CEO & Safeguarding, Trustee
Father Brian Bell  Community, Trustee
Mrs. Lynda Powner Staff Governor
TBC Parent Governor
TBC Local Governor, Quality of Education & Careers
Mr Peter Merity  Trustee

Ⓣ Trustee of the Charity

Company Secretary: Mrs Lindsay Bott

Clerk to the Board: Mrs Cherrie Creager


Meet the School Board

Mr Tom Whitworth, Chair


Mr Richard Hicks, Headteacher, Governor

Accordion content

Miss Sian Thomas, CEO & Safeguarding Trustee

Accordion content

Fr. Brian Bell, Trustee - Community

Fr. Brian Bell sits on the School Board as Trustee with linked responsibility for Community at the school.

Brian has been the Vicar of Saint Andrew's (West Kirby) since March 2022, is a local resident, and a well known face in the community.

As a former teacher himself, he knows the world of education well - sharing our passion, commitment and enthusiasm for 'changing childrens' lives'.

In his previous parishes, he has always sought to become actively involved in the life of the schools, where so much goes on that is formative in the education of young people. It is his sincere hope that this will be no different here.

As Trustee with linked responsibility for Community at the school, Brian brings a community perspective to the Board - and supports the school to develop strong community links beyond its walls.

Coupled with his ministry on the Wirral, he is also committed to other charitable organisations in his work as a trustee with two other organisations based in Norfolk and Wakefield.

Mrs. Lynda Powner, Staff Governor

Mrs. Lynda Powner is the school's Staff Governor, and also sits on the Care Committee at the school.

Lynda has strong positive relationships with external professionals and works in close partnership with agencies, parents/carers and pupils to support and achieve the best outcomes for all. She also plays a key role in the Admissions process and promoting high levels of Attendance.

Mr Peter Merity, Trustee

Accordion content


Former members of the School Board

The following members have left the School Board in the last 12 months:

Name Left office on
Mr Phil Deakin  
Mrs Deborah Gould  
Mrs Vicki Storey  

West Kirby School and College, Meols Drive, West Kirby, Wirral, CH48 5DH

0151 632 3201