Eco-Schools Green Flag Award Awarded.

West Kirby School and College has been awarded the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award.
The fantastic news was shared with pupils as we started the new year. This award was led by Environmental ambassador lead Mr Davey and the school's Eco-Committee.
The Internationally recognised award is designed to be pupil-led, and aims to promote, develop and implement environmentally friendly practice in schools, the local community and beyond. It celebrates young people's achievements and provides them with the confidence and motivation to continue actively engaging with environmental issues.
Key points from the report include:
- You have passionate young people, wanting to make positive changes.
- The development of the Eco-Committee has been your greatest success.
- The children now have been able to gain a deep sense of environmental stewardship.
- We love that you have adapted the programme to meet the needs of your students.
- Including everyone in the Environmental Review increased ownership of the programme, giving everyone the chance to be heard and feel valued.
We look to continue to build upon these achievements over the next academic year.
To find out more about the award, please visit