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Full School Board Meeting Attendance

The full School Board has formally met 1 time during the 22/23 academic year.

Attendance during the year at meetings of the full Governing Board was as follows:


Meetings attended


Out of a possible


Meetings attended (2022/2023) Out of a possible (2022/2023)
Mr. Philip Deakin 1 1 4 5
Miss. Sian Thomas 1 1 5 5
Mr. Stephen Peacock 0 1 4 5
Mrs. Deborah Gould 0 1 3 5
Mrs. Julie Merry 1 1 3 5
Fr. Brian Bell 0 1 4 5
Mrs. Lynda Powner 1 1 5 5
Mrs. Annie Grady - LEFT 0 1 4 4
Mrs. Sarah Martin - LEFT - - 0 1
Mr. Michael Morris - LEFT - - 1 1
Mrs. Vicki Storey - LEFT - - 3 4

West Kirby School and College, Meols Drive, West Kirby, Wirral, CH48 5DH

0151 632 3201